
If you have a terminally ill family member, there may come a time when their medical team recommends transitioning them into hospice care. For many loved ones, this term can be unfamiliar; and even for those with a vague understanding of it, it is natural to have questions. The guide below seeks to answer some of the most common ones.

4 Frequently Asked Questions About Hospice

What is hospice care?

The aim of hospice is to make sure the patient is as comfortable as possible towards the end of their life. In some cases, this service may be provided at the patient’s home or nursing home or they may be relocated to a separate location for the purpose of receiving this care. Typically, doctors will only recommend someone for this kind of program if they anticipate they have six months or less to live. However, some state Medicaid agencies may offer hospice coverage for a year, so be sure to check with your loved one’s insurance provider.

What services does it entail?

Since patients in hospice are terminal, less focus is given to treatments for their disease—for example, cancer patients may stop chemo. Instead, the attention shifts to providing medications and other therapeutic means of minimizing their pain or distress.

hospice careWhat happens if my loved one improves?

Even when an individual is in hospice, they can still see their personal doctor. Thus, if there are any treatments still available and your loved one’s condition should improve, their care plan may be adjusted accordingly.

What can I do for someone in hospice?

Even if your loved one’s medical needs surpass the level of care you can provide, you can still be there for them in other ways. Spend time with them—reading a book out-loud or watching a program on TV. You might also be responsible for overseeing their household duties, such as maintaining their home and ensuring their bills get paid.


If hospice care has been recommended for your loved one, trust Lakeview Christian Home in Eddy County, NM, to give them the highest quality of life possible. Whether they will be more comfortable at their assisted living facility or receiving help at home, these trained professionals are available to meet their needs. Learn more about this program online or call (575) 885-3161 with any further questions.
