
Following a death, those closest to the deceased often struggle as they try to cope with their loss and manage their grief. It can be hard to see a friend or family member in pain, but many people feel unsure of how they can help. Thankfully, a few simple guidelines can help you provide appropriate — but much-needed — support during a trying time.

3 Tips for Helping Someone Cope With Grief

1. Understand the Grieving Process

While mourning is often described as a process, each person has their own way of dealing with grief. How they act and how long it takes them to recover will vary and may be surprising to you or any other outside observer. Avoid the temptation to judge a loved one or tell them how they should be feeling or acting. Your friend or relative will experience highs and lows just like anyone else, but their emotions will be amplified by their grief.

2. Be Willing to Listen

grief Cincinnati OHPeople struggling with grief often need others to listen to them and their concerns. Don’t be afraid to ask someone how they are feeling or if they even want to talk. For many, an opportunity to share their feelings with others can offer much-needed relief, especially if they’re eager to share more positive reflections. Express sincere concern and love for them, but try to resist providing “solutions” or advice when they’re struggling—more than anything else, they just want support and your presence. 

3. Help With Practical Needs

Many people struggle to handle daily tasks as they navigate their grief. Look for simple, practical ways to help. Instead of asking if they need anything or encouraging them to reach out, be specific about what you can do. You could clean the house or take care of yardwork, share meals, babysit their children, or even help the bereaved learn how to take on new responsibilities. This practical assistance can restore a sense of normalcy and help them prepare for the future.


During times of grief, it helps to have caring individuals who can provide the support you need. Since 1906, the caring team at Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Home has supported families throughout the Cincinnati, OH area. This family-owned funeral home simplifies the funeral planning process and provides valuable resources to help people cope with what’s next. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (513) 385-0511.
