
Summer is the perfect time to do basic maintenance and roof repair. The storms of winter and fickle weather of spring have passed, and dry, sunny summer weather is ideal for inspecting roofing and gutters. The list below offers basic summer roof maintenance tips that homeowners shouldn’t skip.

Roof Repair & Maintenance Tasks for Summer

1. Inspect the Roof

Look for damaged shingles, areas of mold, mildew, or algae growth, missing roofing, and piles of leaves or other debris that have gathered on the roof. If you can safely and comfortably climb onto the roof, remove any debris and loose materials. Call a professional contractor if you have doubts about what to look for or find that you need shingles or roof repair.

2. Inspect Skylights, Chimneys, & Vents

roof repairFlashing around skylights, chimneys, and vent areas are susceptible to damage and may cause leaks. Check the interior ceiling and attic around these features for water damage coming through, then do a thorough inspection on the roof. Loose or missing shingles or damaged flashing will need to be repaired before water leaks through.

3. Clean the Gutters

This is a basic DIY task that’s easy for most homeowners to do. Clear out piles of leaves, pine needles, and other debris from the gutter system. While doing so, look for broken components and damage. Inspect the downspouts and make sure they’re clear to drain water away from the roof and house. Check for leaks or blockages by running water from a hose through the system.

4. Eliminate Nesting Areas

Any holes under the eaves are prime spots for bird or rodent nests. Squirrels and rats can chew their way through siding, insulation, and wiring into your attic. Bird poop is acidic, smelly, and can negatively impact shingle material. Fill these holes to eliminate the damage that these animals can cause and remove any old nests. 


Basic maintenance prevents more serious roof repairs down the road. Paragon Roofing Contractors in Ozark, MO, is a Better Business Bureau®-accredited company that offers roof repairs, storm damage assistance, new roof installation, and inspection and maintenance services. Emergency services are also available! Call (417) 848-2400 for a free estimate or visit them online to learn more about their services.
