
Although hearing loss is more common in older adults than in children, children, including toddlers, can also be affected, whether the result of complications at birth or ear infection. Hearing loss in children is particularly concerning because it can delay the development of speech and language skills. If hearing problems are caught early, it’s possible to overcome them. Look out for these three signs of hearing loss in children and see an audiologist for hearing testing as soon as you suspect a hearing impairment.

How to Know if Your Child Has Hearing Loss

1. Delayed Speech Development

Children begin to learn how to speak by mimicking what they hear others say. They typically start using simple words by the time they’re 15 to 24 months old. Children with hearing loss, however, may not be able to put words together like their peers. If your little one isn’t speaking by 2 years of age, schedule hearing testing.

2. Difficulty in Understanding Conversations

If children don’t seem to follow conversations easily, don’t just assume that they aren’t paying attention. If your son or daughter too often answers questions with “what?” or “huh?” it may indicate a hearing problem. Hearing testing can help determine if a child’s difficulty is auditory related or not.

3. Listening to the TV at a High Volumehearing testing

Do you notice that your children listen to the TV at an exceptionally high volume? If so, they may be hard of hearing. Try turning the volume down and then asking if they can still understand the show or movie they’re watching.


If you believe your child is suffering from hearing loss, turn to the professionals at Anthony Durig Audiology in Stow, OH. These audiologists provide hearing testing and hearing assistive devices for the diagnosis and treatment of auditory disorders for patients of all ages. They use state-of-the-art technology and craft customized treatments that are affordable. For more information about their services, call (330) 688-4115 or visit them on Facebook.
