
After visiting the dentist for teeth whitening sessions, you might have questions about how to maintain your white smile. Ignoring the instructions and advice given from the dentist post-treatment could ultimately lead to staining and discoloring effects of your teeth. However, knowing what you should and shouldn’t be doing post whitening sessions will help to optimize your treatment.


Brush & floss regularly.

Brushing and flossing your teeth daily will help maintain stain-free teeth as well as a clean and healthy mouth. It is crucial to rinse your mouth and brush teeth after meals to remove the formation of harmful buildup that could lead to teeth stains.

Visit the dentist for regular check-up’s.

Continuing to visit your dentist for regular check-ups can have lasting benefits for your teeth. The dentist or dental hygienist can polish and clean the surface of your teeth, removing any appearing stains. Dentists also have tools that can help fight the discoloration that can show on teeth. Regular professional cleanings can maintain your bright smile and white teeth.

Follow aftercare instructions provided by the dentist.

Maintaining regular contact and communication with your dentist is vital to ensuring that you are getting the most out of your whitening treatment. Following the instructions that are provided for you from your dentist can maximize the results of the treatment. Having a thorough knowledge of what foods and beverages you can and cannot eat to avoid discoloration and staining will be beneficial for maintaining white teeth.


Eat or drink certain staining foods and beverages.

teeth whiteningAfter receiving the teeth whitening treatment, certain foods and beverages should be avoided because of the staining effects that can occur. Avoid dark staining drinks such as tea, coffee, red wine, colored soft drinks, or fruit juices. Avoid all dark staining and colored foods like soy sauce, red meat, chocolate, and all fruits except for bananas. The rule of thumb is to limit the intake of all products that could stain a white t-shirt, which could have the same effect on your teeth. Instead, eat foods such as plain chicken, potatoes, plain pasta with white sauces, and bananas.

Use home remedies or at-home whitening kits.

Using at-home whitening kits too soon after receiving a whitening treatment could weaken enamel and may over-whiten your teeth. Additionally, using home remedies, such as activated charcoal, lemon juice, and baking soda are abrasive products that could also damage the enamel of teeth; when the enamel is damaged the teeth are more prone to staining.

Smoke cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

Smoking is one of the fastest ways to diminish the whiteness of your teeth. There are many ingredients inside of cigarettes that lead to teeth stain, especially if you smoke within 24 hours after receiving the treatment.


These tips will help the results from your teeth whitening treatment are optimized and last longer. To ensure maximum results and overall satisfaction, maintain communication with the dentist when questions or concerns arise. Contact David A. Dauphin DMD in Dothan, AL, regarding questions related to teeth whitening treatments or for any general or cosmetic dentistry questions. Call (334) 794-3727 or visit their website to learn more about the family dentistry and the personalized services that they provide.
