
Estimated to impact one in every 250 men, testicular cancer is something that all adult males should be aware of. This condition occurs when cancer cells originate and grow within the testes—the hormone and sperm-producing organs found in the scrotum. Fortunately, if the disease is caught within a reasonable time frame, cancer treatment can be highly effective. To help you protect yourself against this men’s health concern, here’s what you should know about detecting and treating testicular cancer.

What Are the Signs of Testicular Cancer?

cancer treatmentA lump in the testes is a common sign that cancer is present. As such, it’s important to feel yourself regularly to check for abnormal growths in the scrotum. You should also talk to your doctor if you notice a buildup of fluid near the testes, scrotum heaviness, or breast tenderness or enlargement. Growths may also contribute to chronic pain within the scrotum or around the groin, abdominal regions, or back.

How Is Testicular Cancer Treated?

If cancer is suspected, your doctor will take a biopsy of the tumor and study the cells under a microscope to diagnose the disease—and determine how advanced it is. Compared to other forms of the disease, testicular cancer is highly treatable and delivers favorable outcomes if caught early enough. Testicular cancer treatment options can vary depending on the location and severity of the problem.

If the diagnosis is restricted to a testicular tumor, the growth may simply need to be surgically removed. After removal, you’ll continue to be observed to check for abnormal growths and determine if additional treatment is necessary.

In more severe cases, several rounds of chemotherapy may be recommended by your oncologist. During chemotherapy, you’ll receive specialized medications—usually through an IV—that kill cancer cells and prevent new ones from forming. Often, this cancer treatment will be combined with other therapies, such as oral medication.


If you’re concerned about testicular cancer, Alaska Oncology and Hematology, LLC offers comprehensive care to help you take back control of your health. Using high-tech resources, this Anchorage oncology clinic can diagnose this disease and accurately determine how advanced it is. With a compassionate approach, these oncologists will develop personalized cancer treatments—including chemotherapy—to reduce your risk of further complications. Visit this oncology center online to learn more about their doctors and treatment options. To schedule a consultation with a caring professional, call (907) 279-3155.
