
Criminal defense attorneys aim to protect their client’s interests, defend their rights, and work toward a fair outcome. Knowing the role a defense lawyer plays will help ensure you get the effective representation you need. Below is a guide detailing what these trained lawyers do, what cases they take, and how they prepare for cases.

What Criminal Defense Attorneys Do

criminal defense attorneyCriminal defense attorneys are often depicted as arguing the defendant’s case in court. While trial representation is an important facet of their work, defense lawyers do so much more. For instance, they may sit in during police interrogations to ensure their client’s rights are protected, challenge evidence that was improperly collected, and negotiate a plea deal with prosecutors.

What Cases Defense Attorneys Handle

Any legal situation that involves criminal charges may call for an experienced defense attorney. Many focus on a specific area of criminal law, such as drug crimes or capital offenses, while others may dedicate their practice to fighting parking tickets and misdemeanor charges. Because a conviction for even a minor offense can have a dramatic impact on your life, hiring a defense attorney is almost always worth the investment.

How Defense Attorneys Prepare for Cases

These attorneys typically begin by reviewing the circumstances of a defendant’s arrest, reviewing reports, and conducting interviews to ensure you were lawfully detained. They might also interview witnesses, closely examine all evidence collected by the police, and prepare the defendant for court dates.


If you’re facing criminal charges in Western Pennsylvania, Bitar & Bitar, LLP offers the aggressive representation and dedicated legal service you need. Their criminal defense attorneys pride themselves on giving every client the benefit of individualized service and fighting to achieve justice. Visit their website for more on their criminal law services and call (724) 339-1025 to schedule a consultation.
