
Any traffic collision has the potential to inflict serious injuries that may reshape the rest of your life. However, because they’re the largest vehicles on the road, accidents caused by commercial trucks are more likely to have severe consequences and may result in a more complex personal injury claim. Below are some of the most important differences between truck and passenger vehicle accidents and how they can impact your ability to collect compensation

How Truck Accidents Differ From Automobile Crashes

The Chances of Suffering a Severe Injury

Modern cars and trucks feature advanced safety features that often allow passengers to escape even high-speed collisions with minimal injuries. However, commercial trucks typically weigh over 10,000 pounds, dramatically increasing the chances that other drivers will be seriously hurt in a crash. In 2017, approximately 116,000 commercial trucking accidents resulted in over 170,000 injuries, meaning the odds of personal injury were extremely high in each incident.

The Likelihood of a Crash

personal injuryDue to their sheer size and weight, commercial trucks are more difficult to control than smaller vehicles, so drivers must exercise extreme caution. If the driver is exceeding the speed limit or not paying attention to the road, it’s difficult to respond to sudden traffic conditions without causing a crash. Truckers are also more likely to lose control in bad weather or on slippery, poorly maintained roads.

The Parties Responsible

If you’re injured by a negligent passenger vehicle driver, your attorney may be able to file a personal injury claim against their insurer. However, in a commercial truck crash, multiple parties may be liable, including the driver, their employer, the truck manufacturer, or the government organization tasked with maintaining the roads. A skilled attorney will be able to identify all liable parties and fight to ensure they’re held responsible for your injuries.


If you’ve been injured by a commercial truck driver in northeast Georgia, the attorneys at McClure, Ramsay, Dickerson & Escoe LLP will provide the aggressive, effective representation you need. This law firm has been fighting for the rights of accident victims for over a century, building a reputation for dedicated service and reliable results throughout the community. Visit their website for more on her personal injury services or call (706) 886-3178 to schedule a consultation today.
