
Diet plays an important role in heart health, which is why it’s important to replace harmful foods with beneficial ones. Unfortunately, not all problematic foods are obvious. There are some deceptively bad snacks and sides people enjoy every day. Over time, these can contribute to heart disease, so do your best to eat them in moderation.

Everyday Foods That Worsen Heart Disease

1. Fat-Free Packaged Snacks

No matter the food, if it’s labeled “fat-free” and does not have a naturally occurring fat-free version, it’s not safe for your heart. Fat-free snacks, such as cookies, chips, and crackers, replace fat content with sugar. This can be an extreme amount of sugar, in many cases, and contribute to diabetes and heart-related complications. Natural fats are healthy and curb appetite. Try unsalted nuts, or if you have a sweet tooth, dark chocolate instead.

2. Rotisserie Chicken

heart-disease-divagno-interventional-cardiology-md-paChicken is often advertised as the healthy replacement for red meats and a positive source of protein. Unfortunately, it contains a similar level of saturated fat as beef because modern chickens are genetically engineered to be plumper. Saturated fats are a known culprit of heart disease, which is why you should eat chicken and other meats in moderation. Substitute chicken with fish several times a week, or, to limit consumption, look at chicken as a side dish to a plate of vegetables rather than the other way around.

3. Ketchup

You can put ketchup on almost anything, and because it’s a condiment, it often doesn’t seem harmful. However, because of its high sodium content—320 mg in only 2 tablespoons—it does have a negative effect on your heart. The daily sodium limit for the average adult is 2,300 mg, to put it into perspective. Those two tablespoons also contain 8 grams of sugar. If you’re looking for a healthy alternative, try sun-dried tomato hummus, salsa, or make your own ketchup without salt and sugar.


Nothing is more important than staying on top of heart health. DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD, PA, of Rochelle Park, NJ, is committed to ensuring patients avoid heart disease and other complications. Dr. Leonard DiVagno brings over 20 years of experience to patients and addresses a number of issues, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Visit his website to learn more about the practice and call (201) 845-3535 to speak with a representative. You can receive additional health updates by connecting on Facebook.
