
When you’re trying to get pregnant, there are many factors that can affect your ability to conceive, including nutrition. If you are just starting the journey or have been struggling with infertility for a while, you may not realize that certain foods actually lower your chances of conceiving. Here are a few foods to avoid if you want to get pregnant.

What Foods & Drinks Should You Avoid When Trying to Conceive?

1. Soy

Although soy has many health benefits, it also contains certain compounds that can obstruct sperm and impair fertilization. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan who normally relies on soy as a source of protein, switch to other plant-based proteins, such as quinoa and beans, while trying to conceive.

2. Alcohol

There’s nothing wrong with having an occasional beer, cocktail, or glass of wine while you’re trying to get pregnant, as long as you drink in moderation. However, excessive alcohol consumption can create a hormonal imbalance, throwing your menstrual cycle off track and making you less likely to conceive.

3. Coffee

infertilityModeration is also important when it comes to caffeine consumption, so limit your coffee or tea intake to one or two cups a day while you’re trying to conceive. Drinking any more than that could contribute to infertility problems because caffeine disrupts ovulation.

4. Trans Fat

Trans fat, which is used in processed foods such as chips, snack cakes, and fast food, has been linked to infertility in women. These foods often cause insulin resistance, which can make ovulation less frequent and reduce the quality of the eggs a woman’s body produces.

5. Fish

Fish is a good source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but unfortunately, some kinds of fish contain high levels of mercury, which can interfere with conception. Small amounts of salmon, cod, and shrimp are okay, but avoid eating mackerel, swordfish, and shark while trying to get pregnant.

A Path to Natural Health in Issaquah, WA, offers a holistic approach to infertility. If you’re interested in seeing a holistic doctor for gynecological exams, naturopathic medicine, or B-12 injections, Dr. Maura Scanlan and her team can provide you with personalized treatment in a caring environment. Call (425) 270-3047 today to schedule an appointment with a naturopathic doctor, or visit their website to learn more about their practice.
