
A well gives you a steady supply of water from your property once it’s installed, and it’s relatively easy to maintain. One task you will have to keep up with is water testing, which will detect the presence of common contaminants. Below, learn more about why you should make well inspection and testing a regular part of your well upkeep.

Why Should I Test My Well Water?

Many contaminants that can make your water unsafe to drink are undetectable, so you’ll have no idea of what is present unless you’re proactive with testing. In general, it’s recommended that you have a well inspection for testing once a year. Shallow wells are more susceptible to bacterial growth, so you may want to test it more frequently. If you notice any sudden change in your water’s taste, odor, or appearance, you should have it tested immediately.

What Will a Test Detect?

well inspectionThe most common threats to well water include heavy metals, bacteria, microorganisms, and nitrates. Bacteria and microorganisms may infiltrate a shallow well or be washed into a deep one by heavy rain or snowmelt. Industrial runoff may introduce heavy metals into the supply, while agricultural fields nearby may carry nitrite and nitrate from fertilizers into the well.

Are Private Well Owners Required to Test?

While the state of Connecticut doesn’t have any regulations for annual private well inspections, your local health department may be able to provide you with advise on regulations for a new well. Even if it’s not legally mandated, testing is a sensible way to keep your well safe. With a simple water test each year, you can address the pollutants that could make your water odorous, foul, or unsafe. This way, you can rest assured that your water supply is safe to use for daily activities, from washing the dishes to showering.



Keep your water safe to drink with the help of Dalmik Well Drilling in Putnam, CT. For 32 years, they’ve been offering well pump repairs, drilling, septic system upkeep, and well inspection. They also provide 24/7 emergency service so you can get your well running as soon as possible. Learn more about well testing by calling (800) 922-6220 and visit them online to learn more about their services. 
