
Whether you’re buying a house or have happily owned a property for years, it’s in your best interest to contact a title agency and ask them to perform a title search. A title search is an investigation into the ownership of a piece of property, including mineral rights, rights of way, and liens. Here are four of the most important reasons to have one performed.

4 Reasons to Pursue a Title Search

1. To Correct Public Records Errors

A title search will unearth any errors in the public records that might affect your ownership rights. Clerical or filing errors could be problematic. For instance, if the recorded square footage or appraised value is significantly lower than the actual amount, it could affect your ability to secure a loan for the required amount — or, if you’re selling, it could affect a potential buyer’s ability to do these things.

2. To Uncover Unknown Liens

Title-searchA lien is a right to possession or ownership of a property until a debt is paid off. A title search will unearth any liens that were previously unknown to you. For instance, an owner from decades past may have borrowed money from a neighbor and put the property up for collateral. If the debt was never discharged, the neighbor's heirs may have a claim on the property.

3. To Weed Out Forgeries

A title search will uncover any forged documents or deeds to the property that arose at any time in its history. Therefore, it’s essential that you have one conducted before purchasing a home just to make sure the seller has the right to sell it.

4. To Locate Missing Heirs

When a property owner dies, ownership falls to the heirs. If the heir is missing or unknown at the time of the owner’s death, the property may be disposed of through other means. However, if the missing heir is still alive after the property changes hands, they will have a claim of ownership to the property, and they or their heirs could make legal trouble for subsequent owners.



A title search will give you the peace of mind that your property is yours to do with as you will. To have one performed on your property, contact Looney & Chadwell Title Services, the premier title company in Crossville, TN. They’ve served property owners in and around Cumberland County since 1972. Follow them on Facebook for news and updates, or call (931) 484-7129 to schedule a consultation.
