
In general, you can be accused of theft whenever you take another person's property without permission. While this might sound straightforward, it’s actually a broad legal term that covers several degrees of crime. If you are charged with theft, you will unquestionably want a criminal defense lawyer to help determine the type of larceny committed and prepare the best legal defense. 

What Are the Types of Theft?

Misdemeanor Theft

Any theft where the property or belongings taken were less than $1,000 is considered a first-degree misdemeanor. This can earn an imprisonment of up to 180 days and a fine up to $1,000.

Fifth-Degree Felony Theft

If the value of the stolen property ranges between $1,000 and $7,500, the theft is upgraded to a fifth-degree felony and could earn a sentencing of six to 12 months in prison and a fine of no more than $12,500.

Fourth-Degree Felony Theft

When the theft is valued between $7,500 and $150,000, it is considered a fourth-degree felony. This charge could earn the defendant six to 18 months in prison and a fine not exceeding $5,000.

Aggravated Theft

First-, second-, and third-degree felony charges are considered aggravated theft in Ohio:

  • defense lawyerThird Degree: This refers to stolen belongings that are worth between $150,000 and $750,000 and is punishable by nine to 36 months in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. 
  • Second Degree: Stealing property or items that are valued between $750,000 and $1.5 million is punishable by two to eight years in prison and a fine not exceeding $15,000.
  • First Degree: A first-degree theft felony refers to stolen property that’s valued at over $1.5 million and is punishable by three to 11 years in prison and a fine of up to $20,000. 

After getting charged with theft, your best recourse is to call a criminal defense lawyer. They will help you build a case and ensure you get a proper defense in court. 


If you have been charged with theft, contact James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law, to build a solid defense. Since 2002, attorney Bogen has been a practicing criminal defense lawyer for the Greater Cincinnati, OH, region. He specializes in many areas of criminal law and has experience handling the most serious felony and federal offenses. Schedule an appointment with this defense lawyer today by calling (513) 503-7251, and visit his website to learn more about his practice areas.
