
If you use a septic tank, all the water-based appliances in your home affect your unit, including your dishwasher and washing machine. This means that you should take some steps to ensure your laundry days aren’t compromising the operation of your septic unit. To help you care for your system, here’s more information about how washing machines affect tanks and how to prevent issues.

How Laundry Can Create Problems for Septic Tanks

Running several consecutive loads of laundry can flood the tank with excess wastewater. If it doesn’t have enough time to properly drain its contents, the water can back up or cause leaks in the drain field. This is especially true if you use an older washing machine, which may use more water than modern equipment.

septic tankMany laundry detergents also create problems by killing the bacteria inside a septic tank. Since these lifeforms are responsible for breaking down waste, this will cause your unit to malfunction. Detergents containing bleach and antibacterial cleaners pose the greatest threat.

Septic Tank-Friendly Laundry Habits

What you use to wash your clothes matters. Switching to an energy-efficient washing machine will cut down water usage, reducing your risk of overwhelming your septic system. You can also minimize problems by only doing one or two loads of laundry per day to reduce strain on your unit. You should also make sure to purchase all-natural detergents that have been labeled as safe for septic tanks. These should be liquid detergents, which won’t cause clogs in your water lines like powdered products can.


Count on Holler Drilling & Plumbing for all septic needs. Serving La Crosse County, WI, for over 40 years, this family-owned and -operated business performs septic tank installation, maintenance, and repairs. They also work on water well pumps and drilling. Learn more about their septic work online, or call (608) 781-2342 to schedule an inspection.
