
Toddlers may, at times, seem like balls of endless curiosity and energy—but they can also tire easily, requiring a good night’s sleep, in addition to naps. A well-rested toddler will learn more and behave better at pre-school, as sleep provides a foundation for physical and mental development. In addition, it has long term impacts on their physical well-being, since sleep promotes growth and helps them maintain a healthy weight.

How to Make Sure Your Toddlers’ Sleep Needs Are Met

1. Follow a Sleep Schedule

As little ones grow and their cognitive and physical skills develop, they may resist nap time. But toddlers up to age three still need 11-14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, with naps typically being one to three hours long. Establish a schedule for naps, optimally choosing the same time that the child naps during pre-school. Keep the schedule every day—even on the weekend. Make sure the nap isn’t too close to the child’s bedtime, which should also be consistent every night and be enforced by babysitters’ as well.

2. Ease Them Into It

pre-schoolSet up a “signal” for your toddler each day, to know that sleep time is coming. A good example is reading a book to them or having a little mellow play time together. Comfort objects, like a favorite blanket or toy, can also help them drift off.

3. Make the Sleeping Area Comfortable

Besides the naps they take at pre-school, your child should sleep in their bedroom in a comfortable bed. Make sure the room is warm enough, but not too hot to sleep. If you have older children that stay up later or if you like to watch television, consider a white noise machine to help toddlers sleep through household noise.


Just like your first priority is your child’s well-being and success, the same is true for the professionals at Little Hands at Work & Play. Located in Omaha, NE, this quality pre-school and day care center welcomes infants to school-aged children. They have a variety of programs that emphasize age-appropriate curriculum and social skills. Call (402) 493-6615 for more information or visit the website to learn more about their offerings and staff.
