
With the weather continuing to warm, you’re likely relying on your AC even more than usual. In the process of gathering air, the unit takes in a rising amount of dust, dander, and detritus. To prevent those particles from being redistributed to your home environment, the air filter acts as a trap. However, as more debris accumulates, eventually the filter will become overloaded and be unable to perform its job. So how often do you need to change it to avoid air conditioning repair? The guide below explains why this can be a complex question to answer.

In General, How Often Should They Be Switched?

How often you change your filter depends on what type of filter you have. With a standard fiberglass filter, you should expect to make a swap every month or month and a half. If you invest in the pricier pleated air filters, they might only need to be changed every three months. This not only helps the system to run better but also reduces the amount of energy it needs to expend cooling your house, which will lower your monthly utility bills.

Why Change Them More Often?

air conditioning serviceBeyond the filter type, there are a few other factors that can make it necessary to replace your filter more frequently than the guidelines suggest. When a resident has allergies or asthma, for example, they can be extra sensitive to the air quality and performing this task will help keep problematic elements out of the environment. Pet owners should also switch them out more often. Since cats and dogs shed hair and dander constantly, that can quickly stuff up a filter and speed up the need for air conditioning repair. The same goes for indoor smokers.


The next time you’re in need of air conditioning repair or service, get in touch with Kool-Wave Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. in Lake Havasu City, AZ. These HVAC contractors take pride in educating their customers and will be more than happy to show you the ins and outs of changing the air filter when they come by for maintenance. To make an air conditioning repair appointment, call (928) 855-5665. Learn more about the company and their military and senior discounts by visiting the website
