
Whether your current system has broken down or you’re simply due for an upgrade, a new AC unit will keep your family cool and comfortable throughout the summer. Finding the right system for your home requires a significant amount of research, from reliable air conditioning contractors to specific features of the units. Here’s what to think about when you’re searching for an AC unit replacement.

Qualities to Look For in New AC Units


The latest high-tech models typically offer unbeatable benefits, and they’re likely going to be the most costly. However, inexpensive units may be less efficient, resulting in higher energy bills in the long run. Before you begin looking for an air conditioning contractor, it’s important to set a budget that takes long-term cost factors into account.

Type of System

air conditioning contractorThere are two main styles of air conditioning systems to consider. The most common type is known as the split system, which consists of an outdoor condenser, indoor fan-and-coil system, pipes, and ductwork. Split ductless systems are preferable for homes that do not currently contain ductwork, as they only require installing a thin conduit. Central air conditioning, however, requires ducts to be installed throughout the house.


Rather than weight, “tonnage” refers to the cooling capacity of an air conditioning system. Many factors come into play when calculating unit size, including insulation, the location of the unit, square footage of the home, number of rooms, and ceiling heights. Your cooling system must be sized precisely by an air conditioning contractor, or you could be left with an ineffective unit.

Energy Efficiency

A system that runs smoothly and effectively will bring your family the most comfort and lowest energy bills possible. You can check the energy efficiency of units by looking at SEER ratings. The higher the number, the more efficient and cost-effective the system is.


Every system should receive regular filter changes and professional tuneups. Find out specific maintenance requirements for each AC unit you’re considering, and see if your contractor offers emergency AC repairs and service discounts for customers.


If you’re looking for a high-quality AC unit to replace your current system, RC Rogers Company of Cambridge, OH, is here to help. This heating and air conditioning contractor provides full, specialized services for a variety of systems. Whether you want to increase the energy efficiency of your cooling unit or install a ductless split system, their team works quickly and efficiently to get the job done. Call (740) 685-8677 to schedule a consultation. For information about their residential HVAC services, visit them online.
