
When you live in a rental home, there are rules dictating what you can’t and can’t do to the structure. You might not be allowed to paint, put holes in the wall, or make other significant changes. Because of this, many renters never really make the space feel like their own. To help you better convey your personality in your home, here are some tips for decorating a rental.

4 Tips for Making a Rental Home Feel Like Home

1. Use Command® Hooks

Command hooks, strips, and tape are removable adhesive fasteners that let you hang pictures, posters, and other decorative items on your walls. They support varying amounts of weight and don't require you to hammer nails or drill holes in the wall. Hanging art prints, shelves for sentimental items, and other decorations will create a warmth that will elevate your sense of home.

2. Hang Your Own Curtains

If your home comes with curtain rods and curtains you dislike, feel free to remove the existing ones and hang your own. This one trick will have a profound impact on your decor, and it's easy to return the old ones to their place when you leave. Be sure to store the old curtains someplace safe, in the meantime.

3. Use Removable Decals

Rental homes in Hinesville, GARemovable wall vinyl and contact paper let you hang attractive, pre-made patterns or create your own designs. Trace patterns, pictures, or silhouettes on the back of the contact paper, cut it out with scissors or a razor knife, and apply it to the wall. You can choose from a number of colors and patterns, and the material simply peels off again when it's time to move out.

4. Bring Your Own Shower Head

Nothing makes you feel so at home as enjoying a luxurious, hot shower. Most shower heads in rental homes are bare bones and utilitarian. Feel free to upgrade it to something that lets you set massaging flow control, has a detachable head with a handle, or both. Just be sure to keep the old one and screw it back in when you leave.


If you're seeking a rental home in or around Liberty County, GA, contact David McDonald Rentals in Hinesville. The friendly agents have served the region for nearly 30 years, helping tenants find homes, duplexes, mobile homes, and even office space.  Check out their website to view current vacancies or call (912) 368-9218 to make an appointment.
