
If you recently quit smoking, the path to living smoke-free can be challenging. Your primary care physician may recommend a smoking cessation program to make this process smoother. While this program can give you the tools to quit, it’s ultimately up to you to stick with it. The following are some tips to help you commit to your program and live smoke-free. 

How to Stick With Your Smoking Cessation Program

1. Keep Busy With Healthy Activities

primary care physicianWhen you have quiet moments or times of boredom, your mind might wander to cigarettes. Try staying busy to avoid this temptation. Hobbies like crafts, exercise, book clubs, dancing, and outdoor activities can fill your time and keep your mind off of smoking. You can grow accustomed to spending your time in a healthy way by sticking with smoke-free activities. 

2. Focus on Your Small Accomplishments 

As with any addiction recovery program, smoking cessation will involve some setbacks. Don’t let setbacks derail your progress. Try celebrating small accomplishments, like going another week without a cigarette or spending a night out smoke-free. You can also talk to your primary care physician about health-related accomplishments. 

3. Avoid Triggers

It’s important to know your smoking triggers so you can avoid those situations. Locations like bars can be full of temptation, especially if you go to these places with friends who smoke. Objects like lighters and ashtrays can also remind you of cigarettes and trigger a craving. Kick these triggers by spending time with non-smokers and clearing your space of any unhealthy reminders. 

4. Find a Support System 

While you’re moving through a smoking cessation program, identify people who can provide support. This could be close friends, a partner, or a trusted family member. Go to these loved ones when you’re struggling, and they can help remind you why you quit smoking. Your primary care physician may be another source of support, as they can provide resources to help you along your smoke-free path. 



If you’re ready to quit smoking, the primary care physicians at Patient Choice Medical Care can give you tools and support to leave your habit behind. Located in Hamden, CT, these medical professionals provide a comfortable and friendly environment for patients of all ages. From annual exams to chronic illness management, their family medicine services will support your unique health needs. To view a full list of their services, visit them online. Call (203) 535-0262 to make an appointment. 
