
Although they may be covered in fur, dogs have skin just like humans. And just like people, it’s possible for canines to develop dermatological issues that require specialized care. If you’re a dog owner, here are pet dermatology issues that you should watch for—and how you can manage them with the help of an animal skin care specialist.

5 Dog Dermatology Issues & How to Address Them

1. Ringworm

Ringworm is a highly contagious and itchy fungal infection that causes dogs to develop a characteristic red ring on their skin. Since this problem can also be transmitted to other animals—including humans—seek care from a pet dermatology specialist as soon as possible. Typically, antifungal ointments are prescribed to cure the infection.

2. Flea Allergies

pet dermatologyContrary to popular belief, the activity of fleas isn’t exactly why dogs scratch themselves when the pests infest their coats. Instead, this response is caused by the animal’s allergy to flea saliva. If your dog develops fleas, you’ll need to bathe your dog with medicated shampoos to kill the unwanted visitors. However, as a problem that’s hard to control, it’s best to deter the issue by providing your pet with flea and tick prevention medications.  

3. Bacterial Infection

Whether due to an accidental cut, bite, or matted fur, open wounds are always inviting to dangerous bacteria. If the bacteria grab hold of the skin area, it can become infected. In most cases, antibiotics and careful bathing will be required to clear the infection.

4. Dryness

If you notice that your dog is scratching incessantly and flaking off dead skin in the process, it’s possible that they are experiencing excessive dryness. Sometimes, increasing your companion’s water intake and bathing them with a moisturizing shampoo is enough to alleviate the problem. However, if the dryness persists, you may need a prescriptive solution from a pet dermatologist.

5. Alopecia

Hair loss—also known as alopecia—is a common pet dermatology issue that causes dogs to develop bald patches. While alopecia isn’t necessarily a major concern, you should always have an animal skin care expert assess the situation to determine in the cause. In some cases, this hair loss may be due to a problem that requires more extensive treatment.


Whether your dog seems itchy and irritated or you simply want to protect their coat, Veterinary Dermatology Services is here to help. Specializing in animal skin care, this Cincinnati, OH, specialist will diagnose pet dermatology issues—including those related to allergies. Focused on providing personalized care to pets throughout Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southern Indiana, this dermatologist will develop a treatment plan that alleviates your companion’s comfort and restores damaged skin. To learn more about these services, visit this practice online. To schedule an appointment, call (513) 489-4644.
