
When a female starts producing eggs, also known as ovulating, she’s capable of having a child. Egg production typically begins about one year into menstruation, and most girls get their periods between ages 12 and 13, following breast development and armpit hair growth. Some start menstruating at younger ages; however, all reach their reproductive height in their 20s. This guide will discuss how age influences fertility as well as the numerous treatment options for infertility to make the best decision for your reproductive needs.

How Does Age Affect Fertility?

Women are born with all of their eggs. These eggs undergo normal aging along with the rest of the female body and are of the highest quality during their 20s. Women in their early- to mid-20s subsequently have the greatest chance of becoming pregnant naturally at 30%. Fertility lowers by about 10% when women hit their 30s and declines at a faster rate after the age of 35. By the time women are in their 40s, the possibility of natural conception is about 5% due to fewer eggs of higher quality; however, plenty of women have perfectly healthy pregnancies in their 40s.

Are There Infertility Treatments?

infertilityMany women in their 20s and 30s opt for egg freezing to preserve healthy, high-quality eggs. A preventative measure, egg freezing allows women to become pregnant later in life and possibly avoid the complications connected to older pregnancies, such as chromosomal abnormalities, gestational diabetes, and miscarriage.

For women who decide not to freeze their eggs or experience conception difficulties, fertility clinics offer treatments, such as IVF and IUI. IVF treatment, or in-vitro fertilization, involves sperm fertilizing an egg in a petri dish. Numerous eggs are used since not all of them will become fertilized or provide quality embryos. The best embryo is implanted in either the mother or a surrogate. IUI treatment, or artificial insemination, involves injecting washed semen directly into the uterus using a catheter.


If you’re experiencing difficulty conceiving, you are not alone. Talk to one of the infertility specialists at IVF Hawaii in Honolulu to determine a treatment course that’s right for you. This fertility clinic has the highest IVF success rate in Hawaii, and their compassionate team will walk you through every step of the process. Call (808) 538-6655 to schedule an appointment, or visit the center online to learn more about their infertility treatments.
