
Even after you’ve decided on a home insurance policy, there are additional steps you should consider to ensure your property and real estate assets are well protected. By purchasing riders and other add-ons for your existing homeowners’ policy, you can be sure that your home will be covered under a myriad of circumstances.

3 Ways to Improve Your Home Insurance Coverage

1. Implement Protection for Sewer Backups

Sewer backups can be costly to fix, and they can also cause serious water damage to your home. It’s important to have this issue remedied as soon as possible to prevent health issues from developing due to an unsanitary living environment. When compared to the total cost of cleanup, a rider designed for sewer backups is relatively inexpensive. 

2. Safeguard Personal Property

Home-InsuranceHome insurance usually includes coverage for personal property. However, items high in value may exceed the limit on personal property protection. In this case, you should take steps to ensure you’ll be compensated for the full value of any items lost. For other personal items, make sure you choose replacement cost over actual cash value, or those items will be subject to depreciation. 

3. Get Coverage for Your Home Business

Most homeowners’ policies don’t include coverage for businesses operating out of the home. That leaves you vulnerable to a huge liability risk if a customer or client is injured on your property. A business rider can also help protect any essential equipment you use to provide service to others. Remember that business equipment will not be considered among your personal belongings, which means it won’t be covered if damaged. 



If you’d like to purchase home insurance that provides optimal protection, get in touch with Action Auto Insurance Agency. Based in New London, CT, this insurance broker works with numerous trusted carriers to ensure you receive the protection you need at a price you can afford. They’ll also use their considerable knowledge to help you choose suitable riders. They even offer free quotes, letting you make an informed decision when choosing coverage. Call (860) 444-7224 today to schedule a consultation. Visit their website to learn more about their business location and hours of operation. 
