
Whether it’s a constant throbbing or something that happens right after brushing your teeth, a toothache is a serious sign you should see a dentist. However, learning more about the common culprits behind tooth pain can help you avoid exacerbating your symptoms. Below are four main causes that are commonly behind toothaches. 

What Is Causing Your Toothache?

1. Gum Irritation

When your gums are irritated, they become swollen, tender, red, and may even bleed when brushed. This is commonly known as gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Gum irritation occurs when plaque hardens into tartar, which forms durable splinters under your gumline that only a dentist can remove. If not corrected, gingivitis will advance to later stages of periodontal disease, which can cause tooth and gum tissue loss.

2. Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be triggered by extreme temperatures, such as cold air or hot foods. It’s a sign that your enamel has eroded or been otherwise damaged. Since enamel protects your dentin, pulp, and roots, its absence causes pain to radiate throughout the affected tooth’s sensitive tissues. While natural erosion can occur as you age, enamel can also be damaged by too many acidic foods, tooth decay, hard brushing, or biting hard objects. Bonding, veneers, desensitizing toothpaste, or fluoride treatments may be recommended to minimize discomfort.

3. Damaged Dental Materials

toothacheIf you’ve had any dental prosthetics or materials applied to your teeth, such as a filling, dental implant, crown, or bridge, they can become damaged and cause pain. When they become broken or fall out, they apply pressure on the surrounding teeth or gum tissue. They may also leave deep tissues of your tooth exposed to irritants, causing worse pain until the item is replaced or repaired.

4. Abscesses

Dental abscesses are painful infections that form in the root of a tooth. An abscess occurs when tooth decay spreads down to the root and infects the sensitive nerves there. Symptoms of an abscess include intense pain that radiates throughout your jaw or face, a painful lump under or by the tooth, and fever. You’ll need to take strong antibiotics to clear the infection, and then your tooth will need to be cleared of decay and damage, then structurally repaired.


Tired of your toothache? Ronald L. Rasmussen, DDS, of Sacramento, CA, offers experienced dental care for patients of all ages. This well-equipped dental office can treat all causes of pain, from a lost filling to an infection. With flexible appointments, comprehensive services, and a welcoming atmosphere, their commitment to patients’ satisfaction, happiness, and health is evident. Their specialties include dentures, extraction, cleanings, implants, and bridges. Learn about their services online, and call (916) 689-1100 for a consultation today.
