
Teeth grinding is an oral health issue many people live with and often aren’t aware of. Over time, it can have a serious impact on oral health and will require assistance from your dentist. There are telltale signs that you’re grinding your teeth. Luckily, exploring solutions, such as a mouthguard, and making lifestyle changes can gradually eliminate it.

Signs of Teeth Grinding & What to Do

1. Jaw Pain & Headaches

The grinding and clenching motions can strain your jaw joint and surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Many people wake up sore and have headaches after grinding at night. There are many potential causes of teeth grinding, including stress, consuming caffeine before bed, or drinking alcohol excessively. Chronic grinding gradually erodes enamel and will open the door for decay.

2. Chipped or Damaged Teeth

mouthguard-william-u-britton-dds-magdAs teeth wear down, they’ll become more susceptible to chips and breaks. After a night of grinding and clenching, you may notice a chip or damaged part of your tooth. This degree of grinding warrants a trip to the dentist. They’ll help you identify causes, such as sleep apnea or chronic stress, and provide solutions, such as a custom mouthguard, to protect your teeth.

3. Cuts & Abrasions

The sharp edges of your teeth can cut into your cheeks and tongue over time. Often, there will be chronic abrasions in these areas. Your mouth is full of bacteria, and if they enter the wound, they can cause infections. A mouthguard can reduce these cuts as the top teeth will be covered by the material.


If you’re interested in a custom mouthguard to protect your teeth, William U. Britton DDS, MAGD, of Chillicothe, OH, can assist. Dr. Britton treats patients of every age and is committed to creating a welcoming environment. He provides a variety of services, including cosmetic dentistry, root canal therapy, and teeth whitening. Call (740) 772-2225 to schedule a dental exam and teeth cleaning appointment, and visit the website to learn more about the practice.
