
Even if you’ve landed your dream job, the prospect of a long daily commute can make anyone want to stay in bed. From crowded train platforms to noisy buses, there’s plenty of reasons to dread the transportation experience to and from work. If you’re tired of wishing your commute away, use the following pointers to make it a little more enjoyable.

How to Brighten Up Your Commute

1. Warm Up Your Brain

Adjusting from dozing off on the subway to impressing your boss in the boardroom can be a jarring shift. To build up to your highest working potential, warm up your problem-solving and creative-thinking skills by playing a game during your morning commute. Instead of reading the news or browsing social media sites, play solitaire, sudoku, or chess to transition into the workday right from your smartphone or tablet.

2. Try a New Mode of Transportation

transportationWhile public transportation might be your everyday choice, it pays to treat yourself to a more luxurious option from time to time. By renting a private car service, you can leave home later, and you don’t have to worry about missing your stop. You can sit back and relax without the strangers, delays, foul odors, and excessive noise, ensuring you arrive to work calm, centered, and ready to perform at your best.

3. Make a Playlist

After work, the commute home can be just as harrowing after a long day on the job. To ease into your “me time,” make a relaxing playlist to listen to after work. Whether you like classical music, ambient tunes, or smooth jazz, your custom list of songs will help you slip out of the day’s stresses and focus on your own wants and needs.


If you’re hoping to break the monotony of your daily commute, call on Brooklyn Radio Dispatcher to book a car service. This transportation company serves clients throughout the New York Tri-State area, delivering people to work, the airport, or medical appointments. Call them at (718) 384-4444 to reserve your 24-hour car service. To learn more about their services, visit the website, and download their app on iTunes® or the Google Play™ store.
