
Of all the materials on the market, hardwood floors remain popular for their elegant appearance and longevity. However, their outstanding quality can only be upheld through responsible maintenance habits. If you’re unsure of how to take care of hardwood floors, use the following do’s and don’ts to protect your investment.


Use furniture feet pads.

Whether you’re redecorating the living room or simply sitting down at the dining room table, the movement of furniture legs can significantly damage hardwood floors with scratches and scuffs. Luckily, almost every hardware store sells foot pads, which feature a soft, felt disk with an adhesive side. That way, you can add some cushioning between sharp furniture legs and your delicate hardwood finish. 

Clean up spills quickly.

hardwood floorHardwood flooring has many strengths, but the ability to withstand moisture is not one of them. Therefore, if you spill a drink, notice your puppy made an accident, or track water inside during a rainstorm, clean up the moisture immediately. If allowed to soak into the planks, the moisture could lead to warping or rot.


Use oily or acidic cleansers.

When cleaning your wood floors, stick to sweeping and vacuuming, or a damp mop and a mild, diluted dishwashing soap. Acidic cleaners such as white vinegar, ammonia, and lemon juice will wear away the floor’s finish, making it more susceptible to water damage and scratches. Oily cleaners like Murphy’s Oil Soap will create a slippery surface, increasing the risk of injuries.

Use steam cleaners.

Since hardwood floors are so vulnerable to water damage, even cleaning with a damp mop should be reserved only for sticky spills. Therefore, you should never use a steam cleaner on your wood planks. Not only do these release a significant amount of moisture, but also heat. This can cause cupping — in which the outer edges of each plank rise as the floor dries — leading to a bumpy, uneven surface.


If years of cleaning misconceptions have left your hardwood floors in disrepair, get in touch with Accent Flooring of Cincinnati, OH. They will install brand-new hardwood throughout your home to increase its value and improve its appearance. They also offer laminate, vinyl, tile, and carpet, so you can create a different atmosphere for each room in your house. For more information on their inventory, visit the website, or call (513) 481-8600 to request an estimate.
