
Sitting in an uncomfortable position all day at the office puts a strain on muscles and tissue. The pressure can lead to occasional or chronic lower back pain that makes it hard to focus on work. Switching your office chair to one with the following ergonomic features will protect spine health and curb discomfort to make you more productive on the job.

3 Features Back Pain Sufferers Should Look for in Office Chairs

1. Reclining Back

Red-Wing-Minnesota-lower-back-painHunching forward in a chair or sitting up against the backrest at a 90-degree angle places a lot of pressure on discs. To reduce this tension, find a chair that has a reclining backrest. Sitting at a 135-degree angle will significantly reduce disc compression to provide relief for lower back pain. 

2. Lumbar Support

The backrest should align with the natural inward curvature of the lumbar or lower spine. If the backrest is straight or curves outward, muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the lower back can’t support the upper body. The added pressure can cause back muscle pain and tension in the neck and shoulders that lead to chronic headaches. Apart from an inward-curved lower back design, the chair should also have extra padding in the lumbar area for comfort. You should also be able to raise the lower backrest to suit your height. 

3. Large Seat

When there’s not enough room to sit in a chair, you might put extra strain on leg and hip muscles to keep your balance and avoid falling off. This, in turn, can place strain on the muscles in your back. To improve comfort, choose a chair with a roomy seat. To remain balanced, you should be able to sit completely back with a two- to four-inch gap between the back of your knees and the seat.


Beyond using an office chair with more support, scheduling regular adjustments at Red Wing Chiropractic Clinic PA will alleviate lower back pain. Based in Red Wing, MN, licensed Chiropractors Dr. Jay M. Greenberg, D.C. and Dr. Barbara Kaiser, D.C. have over 50 years of combined experience. Both doctors tailor chiropractic and acupuncture treatment regimens to improve the quality of life for patients throughout Goodhue County and southeastern Minnesota. They will also recommend stretches to improve comfort. Visit the clinic online to download patient forms and become a Facebook follower to read how the team has helped patients with lower back pain and additional concerns. To schedule a free in-house or telephone consultation with Dr. Greenberg or Dr. Kaiser, call the clinic at (651) 388-8294.
