
In addition to instilling proper dental care habits in your children from a young age, help their teeth and gums fight ongoing bacteria, acid, plaque, and tartar battles with dental sealants. Never heard of them before? The guide below explains these plastic resin adhesives and their benefits.

The Advantages

Grooved areas of the teeth—usually along the back molars—are especially susceptible to food particles and bacteria, resulting in pit and fissure decay without the right dental care. Sealants prevent dental caries, or cavities, by up to 80% by providing a barrier between kids’ enamel and incoming food particles, which subsequently, helps limit the amount of plaque and tartar in your kids’ mouths. As a result, they are also less likely to develop health issues such as gingivitis and gum disease as adults. Left untreated, gum disease causes the gums to recede and may even result in jawbone deterioration.

The Process

dental careAfter receiving a thorough teeth cleaning, the dentist will paint the sealant over your child’s back teeth and then expose them to a light, causing the resin to cure. During their regular bi-annual appointments, they will then recheck these teeth to make sure the sealant is holding firm. However, they should hold up for 10 years of smiling, laughing, chewing, and talking and can be reapplied afterward. Even adults can benefit from this process—especially if they have needed fillings in the past.


If dental sealants are right for your family, make an appointment with Teresa Wade DSS—Family Dentistry. Dr. Wade is Texas-born, raised, and educated, and provides patients throughout the Andrews area with the cosmetic, general, and children’s dental care services they need for healthy, beautiful smiles. Call (432) 523-7782 today to schedule your kids’ appointments or visit the dentist with 38 years of experience online to learn more about her offerings. Like the Facebook page for additional dental care tips.
