
You may be thorough in keeping your home neat and orderly, but mold can still grow in damp and humid areas. And it’s not just unsightly; this hazardous fungus can pose a health risk to anyone who breathes in the spores. Preventative measures and mold removal are necessary to prevent the symptoms listed below.

How to Tell You Need Mold Removal Services

1. Respiratory illness

In 2004, the Internal Organization for Migration (IOM) found evidence that linked respiratory complications to damp indoor spaces, where mold typically forms. There are several types of infections associated with this fungus. Aspergillosis, for example, often affects people with weakened immune systems and can spread to the blood system. Other types can also affect otherwise healthy people, with symptoms ranging from mild coughing and sneezing to aggravated hypersensitivity pneumonitis, or inflamed lungs. Over time, these symptoms could become more severe, so schedule mold removal and see a doctor to prevent further irritation.

2. Asthma

mold removalTo complicate respiratory symptoms, the shortness of breath associated with constant coughing and sneezing could result in asthma. It can also worsen symptoms, such as chest pain and wheezing, for those already diagnosed. This is especially problematic if you have children, as those who are predisposed to allergies are more likely to develop asthma due to mold exposure.

3. Headaches

If the figurative headache of removing mold from your home isn’t frustrating enough, the physical symptoms can magnify the problem. The lack of oxygen flowing to the brain due to upper respiratory struggles results in unpleasant headaches. Bouts of coughing, sneezing, and dizziness will also make your head pound. Additionally, some species of household mold contain mycotoxins. When ingested, these compounds can result in chronic fatigue and headaches, among other symptoms.


Your home deserves to be mold-free, without the headache and hassle. Arkansas Restoration Services in Russellville is dedicated to ensuring the safety of your home through state-of-the-art mold inspection technology, non-toxic products and materials, and a variety of prevention services. They also provide restoration services for fire, smoke, wind, and water damage. To live mold-free and healthy, visit them online or call (479) 967-2018 for mold removal inquiries.
