
Auto insurance protects you from financial responsibility in case of an accident. If you’ve been convicted of driving while impaired (DWI), you are considered a high-risk driver under the eyes of the law. For this reason, it’s common for car insurance rates to increase. To help you secure adequate coverage following a DWI case, here’s more information on how that will impact your premiums and how to find a policy that works for you.

The Effects of a DWI on Coverage Costs 

Being impaired while behind the wheel significantly raises the odds of an accident. This is because drugs and alcohol make it difficult for a driver to concentrate on the road, monitor how fast they’re going, and react quickly to prevent dangerous situations.

Since auto insurance providers calculate premium rates based on how risky a driver is, having a DWI on your record will result in higher coverage costs. The exact amount your rates go up often depends on the insurer and the circumstances surrounding the arrest, such as whether a collision was involved. 

Getting Insurance Following a DWI 

auto insuranceIn New York, first-time DWI offenders are subject to a minimum driver’s license suspension of six months. To get it reinstated, you will need to show proof that you have at least the state-ordered minimum of car insurance. This requires your insurer to file an SR-22 certificate on your behalf to confirm that you fulfill the state’s liability requirements.

Getting auto insurance following a DWI conviction can be costly, since you’re considered a high-risk driver. The best solution for obtaining a policy you can afford is to compare quotes from many companies before settling on an option.


If you need auto insurance, call Mazzola Insurance. They work with residents of Monroe County, NY, to secure comprehensive coverage at affordable rates. As an independent agency, they can provide you with access to a variety of options from several reputable carriers. Learn more about their offerings online, or call (585) 266-7130 to request a quote.
