
We’ve all heard Thomas Edison’s famous quote: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” And, without a doubt, a lot of hard work goes into opening and running a successful small business. However, there is software available meant to make your job a little easier. If you’re looking for help tracking expenses, monitoring your inventory, or preparing for tax season, the following guide explores some of the benefits of talking to a QuickBooks® Pro Advisor.

Why Use Accounting Software?

1. Financial Reporting

Running a company is ultimately a numbers game: how much is being spent on material, labor, shipping costs, and marketing? How much profit are you making in return? QuickBooks can keep track of all this, as well as the company’s credit card and bank statements, to give you a bigger financial picture and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, if profits are routinely high in November and low in April, you can prepare for the same pattern to repeat itself either by saving for the slow season or rethinking the business’s approach to spring sales.

2. Outgoing Payments

QuickBooks Pro AdvisorAfter your QuickBooks pro advisor sets up the software, business owners can use the program to pay company bills, saving time every week and reducing the risk of late fees. It can also be used to manage payroll, direct depositing money to employees’ accounts on a regular basis or printing checks as needed, while also tracking their overtime and any vacation or sick days used.

3. Streamlining Taxes

Additionally, because it already has all this information stored, it can help populate tax forms and alert you to possible deductions based on your spending. This can be especially useful if your corporation was set up in such a way that it requires quarterly tax reporting or pays for a combination of salaried, hourly, and freelance workers. QuickBooks will also hold on to previous years’ tax documents for reference. This ongoing history is part of why it is useful to integrate the software into your business’s operation from the beginning.


Interested in utilizing accounting software but don’t know where to start? Talk to the QuickBooks pro advisors at Wilson, Rea, Beckel & Associates CPA’s LLC, serving the Four Corners area for over 16 years. Based out of Pagosa Springs, CO, they not only help small businesses set up their QuickBooks at a discounted rate, but they also offer training courses to help them make the most of the software. Need more financial assistance? They also help with payroll, tax preparation, IRS audits, and can double-check your records to protect against internal tampering or oversight. Visit their website to learn about their full list of services. Or call (970) 731-1040 to schedule a meeting with a QuickBooks pro advisor today.
