
A clean workplace can do wonders for employee morale and productivity. However, as coworkers, clients, and customers head in and out, workplaces can become dirty, and thus hospitable to bugs and insects. Fortunately, staying on top of office cleaning will help you create and maintain a sanitary, pest-free office. Here are a few tips to keep in mind. 

Office Cleaning Tips to Prevent Pests

1. Don’t Leave Food Out

Cockroaches, ants, and other insects and rodents all come looking for food. Leaving snacks and foods out after lunch or a mid-day snack is a surefire way to catch their attention. Advise all employees to seal food in an airtight container and store it out of the way. They should also clean any crumbs from their desk and floor. In general, it’s best to eat in a designated dining area so messes are contained.

2. Empty the Trash

office cleaningLeaving full trashcans out overnight can make the office smell foul and draw in pests. Any trash cans that have unfinished food or drinks need to be emptied before close every day. Additionally, monitor recycling bins and encourage employees to wash out bottles and food containers to clear them of any residue that could attract pests. 

3. Seal Cracks

Bugs can easily slip in through cracks in walls or around windows, doors, and piping. Check all of these areas for signs of wear, such as chipped sealant or caulk. You may need to recaulk windows or seal openings below baseboards. It’s helpful to work with a pest control company to identify hard-to-see entry points and properly seal them off. 


As a business owner, finding time for office cleaning isn’t always easy. For professional, personalized service, turn to the team at Office Sweep in Texarkana, AR. Owner Judy Nelson Moissier brings more than 20 years of industry experience to customers and personally trains every member of her team. Whether you need one-time janitorial services or regular cleaning for your commercial building, you can count on her team to keep your property sanitary and free of pests. Call (903) 244-2980 today to inquire about a personalized office cleaning plan, or explore their services further online.
