
From garage door openers to air conditioners, most of the machines we rely on run on electric motors. Although motor issues can often be fixed with the help of a professional, familiarizing yourself with the various causes of motor breakdowns can help you prevent these problems from occurring in the first place. Below are three of the most common threats to electric motors.

Common Causes of Electric Motor Failure 

1. Contamination

Whether we’re using them in the kitchen, the garage, or at work, our trusty machines can easily come in contact with foreign particles like dirt, dust, and rust. If these particles find their way inside an electric motor, they can damage the moving parts, which are shifting at high speeds and temperatures. Contamination can jam cooling fans, create unpredictable vibrations in spinning gears, or lead to a variety of other serious issues.

2. Vibration

electric-motorWhile many different factors can cause your motors to vibrate, these vibrations themselves can be harmful to your motor. Positioning the motor on an uneven surface is one of the most common causes of vibrations. If a part inside the motor is dented or warped, it could also lead to a tight yet rapid shaking in the machinery. Other causes of vibrations in electric motors include corrosion and loose ball bearings. These fast motions can easily misalign internal parts, causing greater damage and even eventual failure.

3. Low Resistance

Electric motors rely on resistance against their parts to create power. As the insulation on the motor’s windings wears away — either due to rust, high temperatures, or other forms of damage — resistance decreases. This leaves an inadequate amount of space between conductors, eventually causing short circuits and other electrical problems. In the worst cases, this internal wear and tear will lead to motor failure.



If your electric motor requires professional repairs, hand it off to the experts at Aero Services of Fairbanks, AK. They’ve fixed and maintained motors since 1957, and they’ll be proud to get your equipment back in shape. Whether you need maintenance work or replacement parts, you can stop by this motor repair shop for quick and effective solutions. To learn more about their offerings, visit their website or call (907) 479-6666.
