
Attending preschool or daycare is a big step for youngsters as well as parents. For many kids, it marks the first time interacting with other children who aren’t family members. Since your little one will be spending several hours in the facility, it’s imperative to pick a center that caters to your child’s needs. Asking a few specific questions during interviews, as outlined below, will ensure you find an environment that is the right fit. 

What to Ask Potential Preschools 

1. What Are the Center’s Credentials?

Your child should remain safe while away from home, so ask whether the preschool or daycare is licensed. This means they meet the basic safety, health, and employee training requirements set by the state. Additionally, ask whether the institution is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). This means the school meets the organization’s high academic and social standards.

2. What Teaching Models Are Used?

preschoolPreschools use various philosophies or teaching techniques, so ask what approach the school takes to educate kids. Some schools focus on children as individual learners, while others allow kids to learn in groups through creativity. Find a preschool with a philosophy in line with how you believe your child will best learn. 

3. How Are Children Disciplined?

Find out about a preschool’s policy on resolving conflict. You can create a scenario, such as a child taking another one’s toy, and ask how the teacher would get involved. This could include encouraging the children to play together, taking students aside to talk about what happened, or issuing time-outs. However children are disciplined, it should align with how you handle situations at home.

4. Do Kids Need to be Potty-Trained?

If your child still uses diapers, ask whether they need to be potty-trained. This is an enrollment requirement for some preschools, whereas others might offer assistance with teaching little ones to use toilets. If your child does have an accident, find out whether a teacher, aide, or school nurse will help. 



If you’re looking for a clean, safe preschool or daycare for your child in Bristol, CT, contact Carrier Learning Center. The NAEYC-accredited school addresses kids’ developmental requirements through fun, educational play. The teachers will also share suggestions on how to keep children learning at home. To find out more about early childhood education opportunities, call (860) 589-3000. Visit the center online to browse their programs.   
