
As a musician, one of the most satisfying experiences you can have is finishing a heartfelt song and performing it for others—but sometimes, no matter how strongly you feel, the words won't come. Writer's block happens to all songwriters, and it can be difficult to get past. Instead of waiting for inspiration that breaks the block, be proactive and get around it with these tips.

4 Writing Tips for Musicians

1. Prepare Your Space

Sometimes the problem isn't with the writing itself, but instead, it’s nearby distractions. If you find yourself worrying about the clutter on your desk, heading to the kitchen for a snack or glass of water, or completing another unrelated task, clear these tasks from your mental to-do list first. Keep your writing area uncluttered, and refill your water before you sit down. Stock your area with everything you need to make it through a brainstorming session without getting up.

2. Change Your Routine

Sitting in the same place looking at the same scenery can encourage your mind to revisit repetitive thoughts. Shake things up by finding a new place to write or doing it at a different time. Head outside, to the library, or another work space you don’t generally occupy, and try revisiting your notes at an unusual time, such as morning if you generally write at night.

3. Take a Break

musicianWhen you begin, set a timer for about an hour. If at the end of that hour you haven’t reached inspiration, take a short break. Get some fresh air and exercise by going for a walk, and try listening to a few of your favorite songs along the way to garner fresh perspective. 

4. Don't Critique

Sometimes, musicians are held back by the feeling that their ideas don’t feel "good enough." But songs rarely come out perfect in the first draft. If you don't put those first thoughts down on paper, you have nothing to build on. Sit down and start writing whatever you have in mind, no matter how bad you feel like it is. You can always throw it away later, but you may find the seeds of a good song in there.


For inspiration for your music, try listening to the gorgeous melodies of Elizabeth Barnes Music in Minneapolis, MN. After losing the love of her life to tragedy, this musician has used her pain to create art. She has performed at many venues and recently released an album about her tragic love story with her late childhood sweetheart. Donate to her project through her online campaign, and call (952) 484-9371 to book a performance. Listen to her album now on Apple Music® or Spotify®.
