
If you own a local business, window decals give you the perfect way to advertise your company as you travel around the community. However, physical damage and outdoor elements can sometimes get to them, leaving your perfect advertisement looking worn and difficult to make out. To have the maximum impact, take these steps to properly maintain the window decals on your company vehicles.

How to Keep Window Decals in Tip Top Shape

1. Clean Them Regularly

Oil spills, bird droppings, and tree debris that fall onto your decal can lead to premature wear and obstruct the view of the decal in the short term. Remove these messes as soon as you notice them and clean your windows regularly, even if there isn’t a specific spill on the decal. Wash it by hand with a soft cloth and mild soap to prevent damage.

2. Cover Your Vehicle When Possible

window decalsRain, snow, and UV rays can all lead to premature wear for window decals. Though you’ll likely need to leave your vehicle outside when you’re on jobs or driving around town, try to park in a garage or under a cover when possible.

3. Replace Wiper Blades When Necessary

If you have window decals on your rear windshield, you might be cautious about using your rear windshield wipers. However, you don’t need to worry as long as the wiper blades are clean and well maintained. However, if they have sticks or sharp objects stuck to them, or if they’re worn down and jagged, that could lead to damage. Check their condition if you think using them will be necessary, and clean or replace blades regularly.


If you want to add window decals to your company vehicles, contact AGGRESSIVE. Serving the Highland, IL area, the advertising and graphic design company specializes in vehicle wraps and decals for local businesses. They utilize cutting edge technology to adhere these graphics to cars and fleet vehicles so they’ll maintain looks and quality for as long as possible. They also work with you to create quality design concepts that suit the goals of your business. To receive a quote or discuss your advertising needs, contact the team online or call (618) 410-0534.
