
Your child will hit many exciting milestones in their first few years, including their baby teeth. While their pearly whites are something to celebrate, the associated symptoms may cause them some discomfort. In addition to talking to your dentist, look out for the teething symptoms you can help treat in this guide. 

Is Your Baby Teething? What to Look For

1. Gnawing

Your baby will likely put toys and other objects in their mouth to chew on and relieve the pressure they feel under the gums. Buy them a teething ring that can be chilled. This gives them something to safely chew on, and the cold can soothe the pain and swelling.

2. Cheek Rubbing & Ear Pulling

dentistBabies and toddlers who are teething might rub their cheeks and pull at their ears. Talk to your dentist about ways to relieve any pain; they may recommend children’s ibuprofen. You should also see a doctor if your baby has a fever or doesn’t stop pulling at their ears, as this could be a sign of an ear infection.

3. Lack of Appetite 

Your baby or toddler may not want to eat while they are in pain. Breastfeeding or sippy cups may be more comfortable than eating solid food for the time being. You might also offer cold food to your toddler, such as smoothies and chilled applesauce. They will likely eat once the pain subsides. 

4. Skin Irritation

Babies and toddlers drool more than usual when their teeth are erupting, and this excess moisture can irritate their cheeks and chin. Your dentist can recommend a gentle children’s ointment to soothe this irritation. You can also gently pat your child’s face to absorb any excess drool and prevent future rashes. 


When your baby’s first tooth emerges, it’s time to bring them to a trusted dentist. Pure Dental Care in New York City provides exemplary dental services for patients of all ages. Whether you need a routine cleaning or want to improve your smile through cosmetic procedures, these professionals will curate a set of treatments to fit your needs. They will also ensure you’re relaxed and comfortable every step of the way. To view a full list of services, visit them online, and call (212) 256-1292 to make an appointment at their Manhattan practice. 
