
Wetting the bed as an adult can feel concerning or even embarrassing. However, you do not need to simply cope with this experience. Bedwetting, or sleep enuresis, is a common condition that affects about 5 million American adults every year. A urology specialist can assess your symptoms and recommend treatment. This guide will break down some of the basics and what you can expect at your urology appointment. 

What to Know About Adult Bedwetting

What Are The Causes?

Adult bedwetting could be due to a variety of causes. Many individuals will wet the bed at night due to overactive bladder, weak bladder muscles, or a small bladder. Hormones, stress, genetics, and certain medications can also trigger this reaction.

Nocturnal enuresis may also be due to underlying diseases. Cancer tumors, for example, can block the urinary tract, making it difficult to hold in urine while sleeping. Meanwhile, around 7% of adults with sleep apnea experience enuresis; fortunately, this can be relieved with a CPAP machine. Since there are many potential causes of sleep enuresis, it’s essential to see a urology specialist. 

How Will Your Doctor Assess Your Bedwetting?

urology specialistThe doctor will likely perform a physical and neurological examination to check your overall wellness. They will also take a urine test and examine the physical structure of your urologic organs. In some cases, the doctor will take an ultrasound of your kidneys and bladder or refer you to a specialist. 

Your urology specialist will want to understand your pattern of bedwetting. They will ask you a series of questions to pinpoint a diagnosis, such as how often it occurs and what types of liquids you drink before bed. You should also take note of whether your urine stream is strong or weak. All of these factors will help them pinpoint the cause of your bedwetting.

What Treatments Are Available For Bedwetting?

The urologist may recommend some lifestyle changes. This could include avoiding liquid consumption before bed, reducing your caffeine intake, and setting an alarm so you can wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom. If your doctor determines a medical condition is causing your bedwetting, they will treat that illness first. For example, they would prescribe antibiotics for urinary tract infections and medication for overactive bladder. They will likely want to see you for several follow up appointments to check your progress, so keep careful track of any bedwetting incidents. 


If you are experiencing urinary incontinence, the team at Medical Center Urology can get to the root of your condition and curate a treatment plan for you. Located in High Point, NC, urology specialist Dr. Richard Puschinsky and his team have been serving local patients for over 25 years. He offers treatments for overactive bladder, prostate cancer, kidney stones, erectile dysfunction, and more. To view a full list of his services, visit him online today. You can also call (336) 882-0220 to make an appointment. 
