
It’s normal for dogs to scrap and play, and in most cases, they never intend on hurting another. But when two dogs meet, the result can be unpredictable. If your dog is bitten, act quickly, as even minor bites can create health complications. It’s important to care for the wound and see a veterinarian right away, so keep the following steps in mind.

What to Do if Your Dog Is Bitten

1. Remove Them From the Situation

Before you address the wound, get them away from any threats. The attacking dog or dogs may still be violent. Try to reach a fenced-in area, your car, or a building with a door. There you’ll be able to better assess your dog’s state, examine injuries, and ensure that nothing worse occurs. Make sure to keep your dog on the leash. If they’re defensive or aggressive, they may run back into a scrap.

2. Clean Wounds

Dogs’ mouths are full of bacteria. When a dog is bitten, these bacteria are transferred to their body. Dirty and untreated wounds can lead to serious infections in the underlying tissue. No matter how small the bite wound, it should be treated as infected. Wash the wound with clean water. If there is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean cloth. Bite wounds are most commonly located on the neck or head, especially the eyes, ears, and mouth. They can also be on the legs and lead to joint and mobility issues. Never downplay the severity of a bite.

3. See a Veterinarian

veterinarianNot all bites require emergency care, but you should contact their veterinarian no matter how bad you think it is. You’ll need their immediate advice on at-home care and to schedule a checkup as soon as possible. Report side effects, such as shallow breath, fatigue, crying or whining, or limping. Once at the animal hospital, the veterinarian will sterilize and close the wounds, prescribe antibiotics if needed, and treat any mobility issues.


The team at Westside Veterinary Hospital is committed to your pet’s well-being and bring over 25 years of experience to patients. Based in Statesboro, GA, this veterinarian team provides 24-hour health services. They focus on both immediate and preventive care at their state-of-the-art pet hospital and are committed to building long-term relationships with pets and owners. Call (912) 489-1998 to speak with a representative and visit their website to learn more about the practice.
