
Over the winter, your roof can take a real beating. Spring is a perfect time to clean it up and check for any problems, so you don’t find yourself suddenly needing a new roof without warning. Here are a few cleaning tips that will help to keep your roof looking like-new and extend its life span.

Tips for Cleaning Your Roof This Spring

1. Clear Away Tree Debris

If leaves, pine needles, or branches have accumulated on your roof, remove them. This type of debris adds extra weight to your roof and strains it over time — not to mention that it traps moisture and promotes mold and mildew growth. Take a look at the trees that overhang your home, and trim away any branches that touch the roof, so they don’t scrape or loosen the shingles.

2. Remove Fungus & Plant Growth

new roofDiscolored patches on your roof may be signs of mold, mildew, moss, or algae. These organisms can deteriorate your roofing materials, creating roof leaks, or even requiring you to install a whole new roof. Never use a power washer to clean your roof, as it could dislodge the shingles. Try a garden sprayer instead. Consult local roofing contractors about biodegradable cleaning products that eliminate unwanted fungus and plant growth.

3. Check for Damage

While you’re cleaning your roof, inspect it for damage that could shorten its life span. Fasten down loose shingles, replace missing ones, and check for any trouble with your chimney, flashing, and gutters. A new roof can be a major expense, so the sooner you deal with small problems, the longer you can avoid the need for a total roof replacement.

Superior Products is a premier roofing, siding, and window contractor serving the Greater Cincinnati, OH, area. Whether you need a new roof, siding installation, or replacement windows, their experienced team is committed to providing customer satisfaction on jobs of all sizes. Call 513-231-1168 to request an estimate, or visit their website to review their services and request a quote from a skilled roofing contractor specialist.  
