
It’s perfectly fine for your children to sip soda at the movies and enjoy birthday cake at parties. But if they like to end every meal with dessert, you could have a problem on your hands. A diet high in sugar can affect their dental hygiene because it feeds bacteria; too much sugar will inevitably lead to tooth decay. Thankfully, there are ways to effectively curb your children’s sugar cravings. 

3 Tips for Helping Your Kids Kick Their Sugar Habit

1. Lead by Example 

If you have a sweet tooth, your kids likely will too. As a parent, it’s up to you to set a good example, so show your children how to enjoy dessert in moderation. For example, you can enjoy some shave ice at the beach on Saturday or have a slice of pie on Sunday. On weekdays, keep the sweets to a minimum, and your kids will follow suit. 

2. Get Creative in the Kitchen 

dental hygieneWith a few substitutions, the sweets you make at home can be a lot healthier than what you might buy in a store. For example, you can swap out white flour for whole wheat and use sugar substitutes like agave. Making treats at home will also provide an opportunity to bond with your children.

3. Stick to Milk & Water 

When it comes to diets high in sugar, soda is one of the biggest culprits. Many parents are surprised to learn that fruit juice is no better. Even beverages touted as “healthy,” like orange juice, are loaded with sugar. If your children drink soda or juice, switching to milk and water will reduce their sugar consumption considerably. When you do allow them the occasional juice or soda, have them follow up with water to rinse the lingering sugar away and improve their dental hygiene.


Limiting your children’s sugar consumption is just one component of dental hygiene; they also need regular teeth cleanings. If your kids are due for a visit to the dentist, turn to Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu. Since 1966, they've provided comprehensive oral health care for children on Oahu. To learn more about their friendly dental hygiene team, visit their website. To make an appointment, call (808) 593-8828.
