
The trials and tribulations of keeping your carpet clean can be daunting. There is nothing worse than stepping into a room and seeing a huge stain on your new tapestry. You run to the closet to grab the nearest towel, eager to feverishly wiping the unsightly blemish away. But without the proper technique and products, you may be making the situation worse. Knowing how to best clean your carpet will give you an edge over any stain you may encounter, keeping your carpet looking fresh and new for years to come.

5 Common Carpet Stains & How to Get Rid of Them

1. Bloodstains

Nosebleeds and cuts are common occurrences that can leave deep stains on your carpet. Treat the blood quickly by submerging the stain in a cleaning solution of one tablespoon of good grease-fighting dish soap and two cups of cold water. Then, blot it dry before rinsing with more cold water.

2. Pet Accidents

pet stainYour furry friend is bound to make a mess on your carpet sooner or later. Commercial products are effective, but a homemade solution of 50% white vinegar combined with 50% warm water will also eliminate the stain and odor, so Fido won’t be tempted to re-offend in the same space. Blot the section dry with a cloth, and sprinkle baking soda, a bit of hydrogen peroxide, and dishwashing liquid over the area before vacuuming.

3. Coffee

To avoid ugly brown stains after spilling a cup of coffee, blot the area until it is dry before applying a dependable carpet cleaner. A homemade mixture of vinegar, water, and a grease-fighting dishwashing liquid will also have exceptional results.  

4. Ink

Like blood, ink can be difficult to deal with if it’s allowed to settle. Treat the ink with high percentage isopropyl alcohol to break it down. Remember not to rub the stain; instead, use a blotting or dabbing method for best results. Rinse the area with water before blotting dry.

5. Grape juice

One of the most notorious liquids for staining carpets, grape juice is best removed with ammonia or vinegar mixed into a couple of cups of warm water. The blotting method should be your preferred technique by now, so soak a cloth in the cleaning solution before dabbing the stain until it begins to absorb. Rinse with cold water before blotting it dry with a clean cloth.


No matter what type of home you are trying to furnish, the experts at Lahaina Carpet and Interiors are ready to impress you with their vast selections. Serving the island of Maui for over 50 years, their quality home furnishing products have graced homes and vacation retreats with beautiful flooring and updated window treatments. For a more detailed look at their services, check out their website, or call for an appointment at (808) 661-4268.
