
For years, thermostats have only had a few setting options. You could set it to heat or cool and choose the desired temperature but nothing more. A smart thermostat is different. It allows you to create advanced settings that better suit your lifestyle. You can also access it from a mobile device to track your HVAC system usage and change the settings from anywhere. If you haven’t made the switch yet, here are some of the reasons why you should consider it.

3 Reasons to Get a Smart Thermostat for Your HVAC System

1. Changes the Temperature According to Your Schedule

With a smart thermostat, you can automatically adjust the temperature of your home to suit your needs throughout the day. Instead of keeping the AC running constantly because you like a cooler environment overnight, you can set it to slow down during the day and only cool the home down significantly when you’re home. It can learn these settings, so you don’t need to constantly make those changes manually.

2. Saves Money on Energy Costs

hvac systemBecause you can easily set it so the HVAC system doesn’t run as much when you aren’t home, you’ll save money on heating and cooling costs. If you travel or work long hours, you can have the thermostat set to a moderate temperature to conserve energy but still have it kick on enough, so the home is at a comfortable temperature when you return.

3. Monitors Conditions in Your Home

Smart thermostats also track your usage, so you can find more ways to save energy or improve comfort in the home. For example, you can set alerts that tell you if humidity levels get too high or receive reports about weekly energy usage, so you can determine what works best for your family. This information helps you learn more about the HVAC system, so you can use it to your fullest advantage.


If you’re interested in getting a smart thermostat for your HVAC system, contact Blue Ox Heating & Air in Minneapolis, MN. The HVAC contractor offers a wide array of services, including AC maintenance and repairs and home humidifier and dehumidifier installations. The contractor has the skills and equipment necessary to get jobs done quickly and effectively. Contact the team online to schedule service, or call (612) 326-3837 today for immediate assistance.
