
Learning new important skills for losing and managing your weight is the key to keeping it off long term. It take practice to build these skills so they naturally become your new lifestyle. A lifestyle is a new way of living that involves changes in cooking, eating habits, and exercising that has become your “new normal”.  Planning ahead for tough situations can be helpful in learning how to not fall back in to old habits.

How to Stay Active at High Risk Times

While Traveling:

  • Make reservations at a hotel with a health/workout facility in it.
  • Walk in the airport while waiting for your flight.
  • Always pack a comfortable pair of shoes to be able to remain active while away.
  • Take advantage of free time intervals where you can sneak in a walk or workout.

When the Weather Doesn’t Cooperate:

  • Learn to dress for all types of environmental conditions.
  • Find a shopping mall or indoor track to walk at.
  • Identify “bad weather” activities that you can do right in your own home.

After an Illness:

  • After you are ill you may have to reduce your activity level and/or duration for a few days or even a few weeks, but strive to get back to your normal schedule.
  • If you are sick with a fever, be sure to rest.  However, do not let injury or illness be an excuse to stop activity permanently.
  • Set a date to resume your activity and add it to your calendar.

While on Vacation:

  • Take a walking tour of a new place you’re visiting.
  • Plan for activities like hikes along beaches, paths, or bike trails.
  • Enjoy a new or familiar recreational activity like snorkeling, skiing, horseback riding, or golf.

Allow yourself some time to identify your high-risk situations that may get you out of routine.  Determine when in the next few months you may be faced with these situations. Plan strategies for getting through those events by rehearsing them often.  

To learn more about NE Weight Loss Programs in Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE please visit our website at
