
Low pressure from your water well affects your quality of life. Water is transferred from the pump, through a series of pipes, and diverted among several different avenues under your home, and any one of these areas could be the cause of your low water pressure. This guide explains some of the reasons you’re experiencing low water pressure.

Causes of Low Pressure from Water Wells

1. Clogged Aerators or Faucets

First, you’ll want to determine if the reduced water pressure is occurring at one specific location in the house or if every water source is encountering the problem. Remove faucet aerators and shower heads to check for sediment. If sediment gets into the aerator filters, it reduces the water flow. If the water flow is hindered at every water access point, you know this is not the problem.

2. Clogged Piping

Checking the piping is more involved, so if you don’t have the tools and knowledge, call a professional for help. A section of pipe must be removed and visually inspected for orange sludge, scale, or sediment. It’s easiest to do this under the house, but if the buildup is closer to the well, you may not see the problem. This will require digging the pipe out of the ground, separating pipe, and then reconnecting it.

3. The Water Well Pump

water wellPumps age and wear out, well screens get clogged, and valves and pipes become corroded or break. There are several valves, pressure switches, and a separate pressure tank, which could be the problem. A specialist is required to look at your pump to determine the extent of the damage, clogging, or cleaning required.


If you’re having issues with your water well pressure, turn to the experts at Reliable Pump & Well Services, LLC. Located in Montgomery, NY, they have the tools and experience to get your water pressure back to its normal flow. This family-owned and -operated well service works with both residential and commercial clients throughout the region, providing well drilling, well repair, and emergency pumping. Call (845) 629-8301 to discuss your water well needs and visit their website for a list of their services. You can also apply for financing.
