
Informal roof inspections are helpful for identifying early signs of trouble, allowing you to correct issues before they result in a call to a roofing contractor for expensive repairs. When you observe black or green spots on your shingles, you may wonder what causes them and whether they indicate any serious problems. Below is more information about discoloration and how to handle it. 

What to Know About Roof Streaks 

What Causes Streaking?

Black and green spots are most likely caused by a buildup of mold and algae. Mold usually develops on damp parts of roofs that don’t get as much sunlight, while algae forms as the result of exposure to excessive moisture and heat. In some cases, these spores and microbes may be harmful and cause a range of symptoms, from allergy flareups to serious respiratory illnesses. 

roofing contractorDo I Need to Call a Professional Roofing Contractor?

While algae buildups are more of an aesthetic issue, mold spots can be dangerous. Because of the health hazards associated with mold and the dangers of climbing on roofs, it’s better to leave this problem in the hands of professional roofing contractors. They can spray special bleach solutions to the affected areas and replace any shingles as needed. 

How Can I Prevent It?

Adding zinc and copper strips to the ridges is often effective when it comes to deterring the growth of algae. Prevent mold by having a contractor rinse your roof with a bleach solution at the end of the warm and cool seasons. They can also inspect your roof and provide additional cleaning services to prevent buildups.  


Improve the appearance, health, and life span of your roof with services from Pinnacle Roofing & Siding. This roofing contractor provides inspections, installations, replacements, and repairs, including siding and gutter work, to clients throughout Lincoln, NE. Call (402) 560-0232 to make an appointment for your annual inspection, and visit this roofing contractor online to learn more about their warranted services. 
