
When humans get overheated, they sweat. It’s harder for dogs to cool off, however. They might ask to go outside no matter what the temperature is, but without proper summertime precautions, they’re at risk for heat stroke and emergency trips to the veterinarian. Find out how you can help them maintain a healthy body temperature.

5 Tips for Keeping Canines Cool When It’s Hot Out

1. Help Them Sweat

Since canines don’t sweat the way humans do—they perspire only on areas without fur, such as paw pads and the nose—they miss out on the evaporative cooling effect it provides. To make up for this, you can get special doggie jackets that mimic the effect of sweating. Douse the coat in water and put it on your dog; as it evaporates, it transfers heat from the body into the environment. Ask your veterinarian for product recommendations.

2. Provide Sufficient Water

veterinarianPrevent dehydration by ensuring your pup has access to fresh drinking water. If they spend time in the yard, leave bowls in shady spots so the moisture doesn’t evaporate as quickly. There are also “lick-activated” attachments you can hook up to your garden hose.

3. Keep Them Fuzzy

Shaving your pet’s fur might seem like a logical move in summer. In fact, your pup’s coat not only helps keep them cool, but it also protects against sunburn. Instead of giving them a haircut, brush them regularly to get rid of excess hair. 

4. Avoid the High Heat

Keep your dog indoors as much as possible during the middle of the day, when the sun is brightest and temperatures are highest. Save walks and other exercises for mornings or evenings. If they do go outside, make sure there are shady spots available to rest in.

5. Add Water to Your Play

Add water to your pet’s playtime in summer to help them keep cool. If you can’t make it to the beach or a lake, a little inflatable pool will do the trick. Even standing in cool water will bring your pup quick relief and spare the both of you a trip to the veterinarian. 


For more tips on keeping your canine cool all summer long, consult Westside Veterinary Hospital of Statesboro, GA. These professionals are familiar with the hot and humid Southern climate and will give you the guidance you need to keep your pet comfortable. Review their services, which range from preventive care to pet grooming and microchipping, online. For a veterinarian appointment, call (912) 489-1998. 
