
While face-lift procedures have been around for many years, this cosmetic surgery has come a long way since its inception. Modern face-lifts improve your look by making the facial skin more supple and well-defined. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering this procedure. 

What Is a Face-Lift?

There are actually a few different procedures that fall into the category of face-lifts. The overall goal is to create a more youthful appearance by correcting sagging skin caused by age. Along with addressing issues along the jawline and cheeks, cosmetic surgeons can also help fix sagging necks. Further, patients can opt for brow-lifts, which minimize brow wrinkling. 

What Can You Expect During the Procedure?

faceliftDuring your initial consultation, you and your doctor will discuss facial imperfections and the best ways to approach them. During the procedure, you’ll be placed under general anesthetic to ensure you remain comfortable during the process. Next, the doctor will make an incision. Finally, the skin will be repositioned and trimmed before the incisions are closed. 

What Should You Know About the Recovery Process?

While your cosmetic surgeon will provide detailed instructions, there are a few steps you can take to speed up the healing process. Ice packs are ideal for curbing swelling; these are usually applied for the first three days after the surgery. Also, steer clear of any strenuous activities, such as running or going to the gym, for about a week or longer. Finally, eat light for a few days after the procedure; start with liquids and progress to soups and soft foods. 


The team at Mao Facial Plastic Surgery is here to help you look your best. When you’re ready for a face-lift, you can trust their plastic surgeons. They offer a wide range of facial plastic surgery, including nose reshaping, brow-lifts, lip-lifts, and mini-facelifts for minor corrections. Learn more about your options by visiting their website. Call (203) 907-0501 to schedule a consultation. 
