
When visiting a family dentist for a routine teeth cleaning, part of the process might be taking X-rays of your mouth, particularly if you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort around the molars. Based on the location of the wisdom teeth, extraction may be recommended to curb discomfort related to an impacted tooth or ensure your smile doesn’t shift. Here’s a basic guide to wisdom teeth surgery, so you know what to expect from the procedure. 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Wisdom Teeth Surgery

1. Appointment Preparation

Wisdom teeth surgery is an outpatient procedure a dentist can perform in their office. Leading up to the appointment, you’ll receive information regarding preparation and when to arrive for the appointment. As your ability to drive may be affected by anesthesia, arrange for a ride home. If you’re taking any prescription medication, let your dentist know in advance, so you can plan dosages accordingly. 

2. Anesthesia

Before surgery begins, the dentist will administer anesthesia for your comfort. Depending on the complexity of the surgery and your unique needs, they’ll likely provide anesthesia injected directly into the gums to numb the area they’ll be working on, while keeping you alert.

3. Tooth Extraction

dentistOnce you’re comfortable, the dentist will make an incision in your gumline to expose a wisdom tooth that has yet to erupt. Any bone that blocks access to the root will be removed. The wisdom tooth itself will then be extracted altogether or in pieces based on the location.  

4. Cleanse & Stitch

Once the wisdom teeth are fully extracted, your dentist will clean the site and confirm that the area is free of any unwanted tooth or bone debris. Next, the incision made along the gumline will be stitched up to help expedite the healing process. Gauze will be positioned over the wound to control bleeding until a clot forms. 

5. Post-Surgery Care

You’ll be taken to a recovery room to relax as the anesthesia wears off. Bleeding at the wound site may occur over the course of the day, so you’ll receive additional gauze to help control the situation. Swelling and bruising of the cheeks is common for a few days afterward and can be helped with ice packs. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication to maintain comfort. For the first few days after the surgery, it’s important to relax, minimize activity, and stick to soft foods and water. Avoid sugary beverages, alcohol, or drinking through a straw, as these could exacerbate the wound and slow healing. 


If you’re in La Crosse County, WI, and looking for a dedicated family dentist who will prioritize your comfort when performing wisdom teeth surgery, Dental Clinic of Onalaska can help. With a reputation for providing comprehensive oral care in a friendly, inviting environment, this dental team will help you maintain a beautiful, healthy smile through every life stage. Call (608) 783-3341 today to schedule a teeth cleaning, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
