
Living in apartments doesn’t have to cramp your style—in fact, the lack of space can spark the creative in you. While you can’t control how much square footage you’ll get, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of what you have. If you’re running out of room and ideas for your home, here are a few things you can do.

How to Make the Most of Limited Living Space

1. Invest in Double-Duty Pieces

Even if your apartment has barely enough room for furniture, it doesn’t mean you should forego it altogether. Consider buying a piece that does double duty. Choose bed frames with built-in storage, benches that lift up for extra space inside, or coffee tables expandable to dining heights—giving you two functions for the price of one. 

2. Think Vertically

apartmentMost people tend to forget that they still have space left—on the walls, to be exact. Take advantage of unused vertical space with open shelving, command hooks, and magnetic strips. Install open shelves at heights that work for you, and stick command hooks by the door for your keys. Magnetic strips can hold your knives and utensils, and additional hooks can furnish a home for pans and shallow pots.

3. Make Use of Nooks & Crannies

Every space is precious, including the one between your fridge and counter. Get a slim shelving unit that easily slides in and out of narrow crevices and doubles as a mini-pantry. There are also expandable cabinet shelves and pullout racks to maximize space in your storage. Hang handy drawers on your tables and counters for additional, unobtrusive storage space.

4. Get Rid of Clutter

Sometimes, clutter makes your apartment look smaller than it actually is. Take the time to clear out those odds and ends, then put everything back in its rightful place before it overtakes your living space. As much as possible, endeavor to keep stuff off the floor. Push your furnishings to the wall to create more floor space as well.

5. Create Multi-Levels

One way to have more space is to make it. By creating levels, you trick the mind into thinking there’s a separate space for something. A loft-style bed constructed over the living area allows you to make use of the extra floor space.   


Get creative when optimizing the space in your apartment. When looking for apartments for rent, turn to the real estate professionals at Eagle Realty & Investment. Based out of Statesboro, GA, this rental agency has helped countless residents find homes that best fit their lifestyle for over 20 years. Call (912) 871-0333 or browse their portfolio of vacancies online.
